Friday, April 29, 2011

returning data efficiently

Like any good web framework, you can use the JSON format to send data to your application. The JSON data I was building in my layers controller was returning a 500 error, which was because the :include parameter is expecting attributes from multiple models, and fails if it doesn't find them. Once I removed :include, the JSON flowed freely.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sanity (the data's, that is)

This having been GM Week here at RPI, I wasn't able to do much on my project.  I did work a little bit on sanitizing the data that I'm inputing, mostly the crime alert information, but also the emergency pole data.  I found tool,, thats written in Java and, that seems handy in converting KML to CSV files, and vice versa.  I say seems because while I've been able to convert CSV files to KML, the tool was unable to process the KML file I tried to give it.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Data, Part 2

The other information that I want to display on my map is the crime alerts that come from Public Safety.  A start on this is the work my friend Brian and I did with some other members of the Web Tech Group, when FFA wanted to analyse the locations of crime alerts.  Now that Flagship Geo has been created, I'd like to include this information in my map, as a separate layer.