Tuesday, June 21, 2011

RCOS Presentation

On Friday I gave a presentation to RCOS about Flagship Safety.  I gave an overview of what we're trying to accomplish, and outlined some of the things I want to do over the next two months  You can find the presentation bellow.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

RCOS Timeline

We're entering week four of the Summer session here at RPI, and I realize I should probably schedule out  the tings I want to do.  I've spent the first three weeks working on improving the display of emergency poles, and I can now display multiple layers on one main map.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Rails Console (or not)

Between testing my CSV import function and testing layer views,  I've imported the call boxes spreadsheet about a dozen times.  So I decided to use the rails console to clear my <code>call_box</code> and <code>import_tables</code models and re-import things.  Since the rails guides don't say much about the console, I had to look elsewhere.  After ten minutes of nor finding an answer, I decided that I could just rebuild my app without too much fuss.  So I deleted my app and checked-out my repo again.